Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Braxon's Latest Look

We had our warmest day of the spring on Easter Sunday and Braxon had his very first feel of grass. His hands stayed clenched the whole time and he kept grunting impatiently. Every time we tried to get him to touch the grass with his hand, he would growl and screech at us. I don't know, maybe he doesn't like it?;) Between the distractions of the road in front of our house and our tabby cat, Dash, he stayed on the grass for a good 20 minutes. Braxon is now 8 months old, weighs 22 lbs. and is 26 inches tall. He's on the verge of crawling, scoots and rolls everywhere, and says 'baba' everytime he thinks he needs to eat. He's my first strawberry blonde child and , much to his mother's dismay, has blue, blue eyes. (I married a brown eyed man. You'd think I would get at least one brown eyed child.) There's not much to say about Braxon, yet, but I'm sure there will be soon enough.


  1. I'm so glad you have a blog now, it's way cute! Braxon is getting so big. I love his little chubby arms. I hope Tallon is doing better. I have a feeling I'm going to be going through those same things with Dylan.

  2. I LOVE that little baby of yours! I just want to squish him. OH I wish you lived closer :)

  3. What a cutie! blogging is so much fun! it takes place of scrapbooking since I don't have time for that!
