Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Family Pictures (Finally!)

Yes, there is a reason we don't get family pictures that often. Mom is up at the crack of dawn, getting 5 sets of clothes laid out, milk mustaches left over from breakfast washed off, and 4 heads of hair done. (Yes, Todd can do his own hair. I know you're surprised.) Ten minutes before the photographer shows up (Jodi, Todd's sister), it starts to rain. Not just a sprinkle, a downpour. So, we are improvising with a few pictures on the porch. The kids are already bored. Not a good sign. The rain stops for a fraction of a second, so we run down the hill to our neighbors back yard that is full of mature trees to take cover under in case the rain starts up again. We snap a few pics, and duck for the trees. About an hour and a couple hundred photos later, we take our muddy feet, limp hair and bad tempers back to the house. Oh, but that is only the good part. The best part is knowing there are only ten out of the hundreds of photos taken that doesn't show someone closing their eyes, picking their nose, crying or scowling. Aah, yes. Picture day.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree, there is nothing more stressful than getting kids ready for pictures! But the end result is so worth it. Your family picture turned out so cute!
